RAF Bombing to Goad Saddam US MSM May 1 to June 21
US MSM Stories found on Google; Criterion: May 1st to Present, "illegal" "war" "Iraq"1,460
Total Hits, Omitted Results IncludedTracked: Hits 451-482
454- AP Writer Thomas Wagner, 6-18, "The Sunday Times this week reported that lawyers told the British government that U.S. and British bombing of Iraq in the months before the war was illegal under international law. That report, also by Smith, noted that almost a year before the war started, they began to strike more frequently.The newspaper quoted Lord Goodhart, vice president of the International Commission of Jurists, as backing the Foreign Office lawyers' view that aircraft could only patrol the no-fly zones to deter attacks by Saddam's forces.Goodhart said that if "the purpose was to soften up Iraq for a future invasion or even to intimidate Iraq, the coalition forces were acting without lawful authority," the Sunday Times reported."."http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050618/API/506180705
455- Same Wagner Story as above, 6-18 http://www.the-dispatch.com/apps/pbcs.dll/articleAID=/20050618/API/506180705&cachetime=5456- Page does not exist
459- Wagner Story Above, http://egyptelection.com/modules.php?
462- Wagner Story, http://egyptelection.com/modules.php?
464- Wagner Story, http://www.king5.com/sharedcontent/iraq/topstories/061805cckkcwintBritish.2036fa13.html
469- Satire
470- Wagner, http://www.spokesmanreview.com/ap/story.asp?AP_ID=D8AQ5J080
475- Wagner, http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?
476- Wagner, RAF Mention Removed, http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/11929460.htm
478- Wagner, RAF Mention Removed, http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/tallahassee/news/11929460.htm
479- Wagner, RAF Mention Removed, http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0605/236731.html
481- Wagner sans RAF Mention, http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0605/236731.html
482- Wagner sans RAF Mention,
Submitted by Greg
Total Hits, Omitted Results IncludedTracked: Hits 451-482
454- AP Writer Thomas Wagner, 6-18, "The Sunday Times this week reported that lawyers told the British government that U.S. and British bombing of Iraq in the months before the war was illegal under international law. That report, also by Smith, noted that almost a year before the war started, they began to strike more frequently.The newspaper quoted Lord Goodhart, vice president of the International Commission of Jurists, as backing the Foreign Office lawyers' view that aircraft could only patrol the no-fly zones to deter attacks by Saddam's forces.Goodhart said that if "the purpose was to soften up Iraq for a future invasion or even to intimidate Iraq, the coalition forces were acting without lawful authority," the Sunday Times reported."."http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050618/API/506180705
455- Same Wagner Story as above, 6-18 http://www.the-dispatch.com/apps/pbcs.dll/articleAID=/20050618/API/506180705&cachetime=5456- Page does not exist
459- Wagner Story Above, http://egyptelection.com/modules.php?
462- Wagner Story, http://egyptelection.com/modules.php?
464- Wagner Story, http://www.king5.com/sharedcontent/iraq/topstories/061805cckkcwintBritish.2036fa13.html
469- Satire
470- Wagner, http://www.spokesmanreview.com/ap/story.asp?AP_ID=D8AQ5J080
475- Wagner, http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?
476- Wagner, RAF Mention Removed, http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/11929460.htm
478- Wagner, RAF Mention Removed, http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/tallahassee/news/11929460.htm
479- Wagner, RAF Mention Removed, http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0605/236731.html
481- Wagner sans RAF Mention, http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0605/236731.html
482- Wagner sans RAF Mention,
Submitted by Greg
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